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Tonya Zimring, MS, OTR/L

Tonya Zimring, OT &

Developmental Specialist

I received my degree in Early Childhood Education and went on to get a Master of Science in Occupational Therapy in 2002. I have immersed myself in the pediatric world ever since.


With over 20 yrs experience working with children ages 0-14 in a variety of settings from children's hospitals, outpatient clinics, schools, and early intervention, I draw from a wide range of therapeutic approaches to determine what is going on for your child and how best to guide you to support them in their growth and development. I am a life long learner and have gone on to do extensive continuing education to allow me to work with children with a wide range of ages and diagnoses. 


I have advanced training in the following areas:


  • Fine and gross motor development

  • Feeding and oral-motor development

  • Masgutova Reflex integration

  • Sensory processing and self-regulation

  • Visual-motor development

  • Visual Perceptual development

  • Therapeutic Listening

  • Handwriting Without Tears

  • Neuro-developmental Treatment (NDT)

  • Interventions for Toe Walking 
  • School Moves and Polyvagal theory
  • DIR Floortime 
  • Zones of Regulation

  • Astronaut Training 

  • Michele Garcia Winner's Social Thinking Curriculum

  • Executive functioning development



It is well established that if developmental issues are addressed early it prevents children from having further issues as they grow. I combine my skill as a therapist with my experience as a parent to find the best path forward for each family. My true passion is helping every child reach their full potential.


I am also the mother of two girls who continue to teach me everyday. Being a parent has truly changed the way I am as a therapist. It has increased my empathy exponentially.

all ages
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