Tonya Zimring, MS, OTR/L, ECE
Pediatric Occupational Therapist
Supporting your baby's growth from 0-14 years in Marin County
in a clinic, home, or school from a sensory integration perspective.

Tonya Zimring, OT &
Developmental Specialist
I received my degree in Early Childhood Education and went on to get a Master of Science in Occupational Therapy in 2002. I have immersed myself in the pediatric world ever since.
With over 20 yrs experience working with children ages 0-14 in a variety of settings from children's hospitals, outpatient clinics, schools, and early intervention, I draw from a wide range of therapeutic approaches to determine what is going on for your child and how best to guide you to support them in their growth and development. I am a life long learner and have gone on to do extensive continuing education to allow me to work with children with a wide range of ages and diagnoses.
I have advanced training in the following areas:
Fine and gross motor development
Feeding and oral-motor development
Masgutova Reflex integration
Sensory processing and self-regulation
Visual-motor development
Visual Perceptual development
Therapeutic Listening
Handwriting Without Tears
Neuro-developmental Treatment (NDT)
- Interventions for Toe Walking
- School Moves and Polyvagal theory
- DIR Floortime
Zones of Regulation
Astronaut Training
Michele Garcia Winner's Social Thinking Curriculum
Executive functioning development
It is well established that if developmental issues are addressed early it prevents children from having further issues as they grow. I combine my skill as a therapist with my experience as a parent to find the best path forward for each family. My true passion is helping every child reach their full potential.
I am also the mother of two girls who continue to teach me everyday. Being a parent has truly changed the way I am as a therapist. It has increased my empathy exponentially.