Tonya Zimring, MS, OTR/L, ECE
Pediatric Occupational Therapist
Supporting your baby's growth from 0-14 years in Marin County
in a clinic, home, or school from a sensory integration perspective.
Parent Consults
Not sure where to start?
Need help navigating getting services through your child's school like a 504 or IEP process?
Are you concerned your child might not be in the right school environment for their needs?
Are you wondering if your child might have challenges beyond OT?
Are you getting mixed messages from your doctor or others and not sure how to proceed?
Sometimes you just need a non-biased professional to bounce off all the things you are concerned about. Schedule a zoom or phone call and get help figuring out what to prioritize and what, if anything, your child needs.
Phone or video consultation services can focus on:
Assisting caregivers (parents, childcare providers, teachers, etc.) to meet daily sensory needs, promote self-regulation development, and facilitate and optimal level of arousal for successful participation in functional activities. The recommendations will be more general unless your child has been seen in person.
Assisting caregivers/parents trying to navigate the medical system or IEP process with their child's school.
In person consultations can focus on:
deciding what environmental modifications might be needed at home or school. These could be geared towards increasing attention and focus or to decrease overstimulation and promote calming.