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infants learning to roll, crawl, walk, and play with fine motor toys.

Infant and Toddler Services

OT Sessions

at Home or Preschool 

For some young children, being seen in their natural environments like preschool or home, can increase their comfort and allow the OT to observe what is happening. The caregiver or teacher can learn how to implement strategies within the daily routines and be taught using their own toys etc.

OT Sessions

at a Sensory Clinic

Children with sensory processing challenges often need to be seen in a specialized clinic that will help address their specific goals. Treatment sessions are always play based to ensure your child enjoys participating and coming to therapy each visit. These sessions take place at a clinic in San Anselmo.




Is your child having difficulty learning to roll over, crawl, walk? Is your child harder to sooth than other children their age? An OT assessment or consultation can get to the bottom of what is going on and what the barriers may be for your child. Often at this age, a strong home program can make a big difference. 


 Baby Development in Motion

Getting into Sitting Position
Rolling Over Tips
Tummy Time Is Fun


Do you need additional support for your family or are worried you might?


Let's set up a time for a 15 min chat. I can answer any questions and from there we can decide together if we are a good fit.

Thanks for submitting!

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